welcome home!
Sunday Service 日曜礼拝: 10am
YouTube service ビデオ礼拝: 6pm
🌵今週の礼拝より JIBC this week
JIBCとは? Who is JIBC?

北米日本語教会開拓ネットワーク(JCPN) の教会として、Baptist Faith and Message (1963)を信仰告白としています。
JCPN 2024 ニュースレターはこちら!
We worship with one-heart, two languages, and we are a three-generation Christian church in Tempe, AZ.
We are a part of Japanese Church Planting Network (JCPN). “Baptist Faith and Message (1963)” is our statement of faith.
北米日本語教会開拓ネットワーク(JCPN) の教会として、Baptist Faith and Message (1963)を信仰告白としています。
JCPN 2024 ニュースレターはこちら!
We worship with one-heart, two languages, and we are a three-generation Christian church in Tempe, AZ.
We are a part of Japanese Church Planting Network (JCPN). “Baptist Faith and Message (1963)” is our statement of faith.
フェイスブック updates:
🌵The bilingual Sunday service, 'Glory' on the 16th will start at 10 AM. Following the service, a lunch prepared by the Women's Group (thank you!) will be served, and there will be a Bible study group (SG) for junior high school students through adults. All are warmly welcome❤️
この写真は、6/23(月)夜から6/26(木)昼にSt. Louis, MOで開催予定の、Japanese Church Planting Network (JCPN)の会場です❤️JIBCからもグループで参加する事を祈っています。![]()
J-Kids learned the story of Israelite “spies” God sent into the Promised Land. Most of them were afraid and complained but Caleb and Joshua trusted God. When we are afraid, we can trust God.
ご一緒に礼拝しましょう❤️ Let's worship Jesus!
Youtube ビデオ www.youtube.com/live/7fCirmnaw3k?si=-wu3NLIoRzV-rtyr
今度の日曜は参加者全員に❤️バレンタインの贈り物があります。説教はRedemption Tempe教会のCaleb氏、通訳はASUの文さんです。ぜひお越しください!
This Sunday, every attendee will receive a Valentine's gift❤️. Caleb from Redemption Tempe Church will deliver the sermon, with translation provided by Aya from ASU. Join us!
セントルイスにお知り合いの方がおられましたら、お知らせ下さい。Please let your friends in St. Louis know ❤️来たる日曜日2月9日、アリゾナより八十牧師ご夫妻が礼拝でメッセージと通訳をして下さいます。ぜひいらして下さい!This Sunday February 9th, Pastor and Mrs. Yaso from Arizona will come. Pastor Yaso will preach a sermon and Mrs. Vi Yaso will interpret for us. Please come and join our Service at 10am!
住所 Location
1101 S McClintock Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281